Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cymbeline Screenplay Act V

A few people may remember in class on Tuesday how Dr. Sexson mentioned a possibility one of us writing a screenplay for Act V of Cymbeline.  Well after class today I spoke with Dr. Sexson about this idea and he encouraged me to try this out for my final project at which I was shocked and pleased to be given the opportunity to try something different than a formal paper.  While I do enjoy writing formal papers I find it just as if not more important for people to attempt to create something outside of their purview of believed ability.  Adapting an act from Cymbeline to Script fits into this area for me.  I had had some ideas for a formal paper but now I'm certain that I want to attempt a screenplay of the last act of Cymbeline.  I tossed this around for quite some time because I did have some good ideas for my final paper but as a pre-service teacher who will be expecting students to produce materials of their own besides analytical papers, I must be able to practice creative endeavors as well.  What better way to do this than through screenplay writing?  As I embark on this project I would encourage and appreciate input from anybody and everybody on what they think could be appropriate, moving, and successful in creating this screenplay.
With nothing else to say I sign off for the night
Craig West

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